Safely remove the toughest odors and stains from all surfaces with Unique’s Advanced Cat Odor + Stain. Our non-toxic blend of safe probiotics and naturally occurring enzymes biodegrade odor and stain molecules leaving nothing behind. Ready to use, tangarine scent.
- Advanced Probiotic Blend Eliminates Stains and Odors Without Masking
- Advanced Surfactant Blend Eliminates Stains Immediately •
- Advanced Formula Removes The Toughest Urine and Ammonia Odors
- Pheromone Removal Prevents Resoiling
- Removes Stains and Odors Down To The Subfloor
- Removes Odors From Litter Boxes, Carriers, Beds and More
- Works On New and Old Messes
- Safe For Your Family and Pets
- 24oz
Made in United States of America
Cat Odor & Stain Remover